Edelman, Gerald M., 1959, 1962, 1967, 1978 |
Edsall, John Tileston, 1935 |
Ehrlich, Paul, 1897, 1903 |
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenóus, 1930s |
Eigen, Manfred, 1971, 1986 |
Eijkman, Christiaan, 1897 |
Einstein, Albert, 1904, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1911, 1913, 1913, 1915, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1927, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1938, 1939, 1939, 1957, early
1960s, 1964, 1974, 1982, 1995, 1997 |
Einthoven, Willem, 1903 |
Eldredge, Niles, 1972 |
Elliott, James L.,1977 |
Elliott, T. R., 1904 |
Ellis, Richard, 2001 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1837 |
Empedocles of Agrigento, 450 bce |
Engel, Friedrich, 1888 |
Ephrussi, Boris, 1935 |
Epicurus, 300 bce |
Erastothenes of Cyrene, 240 bce |
Erlanger, Joseph, 1922 |
ESA, 1990, 2001 |
Esdaile, James, 1847 |
Estienne, Charles, 1545 |
Euclid (Eukleides), 400 bce, 300 bce, 1126, 1826, 1872 |
Eudoxus of Cnidus, 370 bce |
Euler, Leonhard, 1736, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1757, 1761, 1768, 1952 |
Euler, Ulf Svante von, 1934, 1946 |
Evans, Herbert M. 1923 |
Everett, Hugh, III, 1957, 1967 |
Everett, Robert, 1951 |
Ewing, William Maurice, 1953 |
Fabre, Jean Henri, 1897 |
Fabry, C., 1913 |
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel, 1709 |
Fairchild, Thomas, 1715 |
Falk, Dean, 1986 |
Fallopio, Gabriel, 1562 |
Faraday, Michael, 1823, 1825, 1831, 1834, 1837, 1845, 1845, 1856, 1873 |
Farmer, J. Doyle, 1985 |
Fauchard, Pierre, 1728 |
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 1860 |
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 1982 |
Feigenbaum, Mitchell, 1975 |
Fenner, Frank, 1948 |
Fenton, H. J. H., 1894 |
Fermat, Pierre de, 1629, 1640, 1643, 1657, 1662, 1833 |
Fermi, Enrico, 1925, 1926, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1934, 1940, 1942, 1950 |
Fermilab, 1997 |
Ferrarese, Laura, 2000 |
Ferrari, Lodovico, 1545 |
Ferrell, William, 1856 |
Feulgen, Robert, 1923 |
Feynman, Richard, 1947, 1949, 1957, 1957 |
Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano), 1202 |
Ficino, Marsilio, 1463 |
Field, Cyrus, 1857 |
Field, George B., 1959 |
Findley, George William Marshall, 1937 |
Finnegan, D. J., 1978 |
Fischer, Edmond H., 1959 |
Fischer, Emil, Hermann, 1878, 1894, 1902 |
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, 1918, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1942 |
Fiske, Cyrus Hartwell, 1929 |
Fitch, Val, 1964 |
FitzGerald, George Francis, 1889 |
Fizeau, Armand, 1848, 1849 |
Flack, M. J., 1907 |
Flamsteed, John, 1725 |
Fleming, Alexander, 1928 |
Flerov, Georgii, 1940 |
Fliess, Wilhelm, 1897 |
Florey, Howard Walter, 1940 |
Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre, 1824, 1847 |
Folkman, Judah, 1967, 1989, 1996 |
Føllesdale, Dagfinn, 1974 |
Fontana, Walter, 1990 |
Forel, Auguste, 1887 |
Forrest, Stephanie, 1981 |
Forrester, Jay, 1951 |
Forsdyke, Donald Roy, 1968 |
Foschini, Gerard, 1994 |
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon, 1850, 1851 |
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 1789, 1811,1822, 1862 |
Fowler, Ralph Howard, 1926 |
Fowler, William A., 1957, 1961, 1966 |
Fox, Sidney W., 1960 |
Fracastoro, Girolamo, 1530, 1546 |
Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz, 1956 |
Francis, Thomas, 1943 |
Franck, James, 1914 |
Franklin, Benjamin, 1751, 1786 |
Franklin, Rosalind, 1953 |
Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 1814, 1860 |
Freeman, Wendy, 1999 |
Frege, Gottlob, 1879, 1931 |
Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 1816, 1816, 1821, 1821, 1832, 1874, 1892 |
Freud, Sigmund, 1860, 1866, 1874, 1884, 1893, 1896, 1905, 1968 |
Frick, Frederick, 1949 |
Fried, Josef, 1983 |
Friedmann, Aleksandr, 1922, 1927, 1932, 1934 |
Friedman, Herbert, 1963 |
Frisch, Karl von, 1950 |
Fritsch, Gustave, 1870 |
Fuchs, Ephraim, 1993, 1996 |
Fujiyama, Asao, 2000 |
Fulton, Robert, 1807 |
Fuller, Richard Buckminster, 1927 |
Funk, Casimir, 1911 |
Furberg, Sven, 1949 |